25 Things You May Not Know About Me
1. I have 3 common nicknames... i think there are only 3... my family calls me "dar-dar", my close friends call me Jess and only 2-3 others call me Skeeter. We don't honestly know where the 3rd came from, but those who call me that are the only ones with the permission to use that name. :)
2. I have a dream of traveling to a foreign country and leading a group of believers in worship through song in some remote location. Just us, a guitar and the Lord with His creation.
3. I am not a morning person at all. Most of the time I don't think my brain can form words much less sentences until I've been up for at least 1 1/2 - 2 hours.
4. I loved high school. I wasn't popular or anything, but I just loved high school. I loved the events, the groups I was a part of, the random trips to the Chinese restaurant in town with friends after early senior release, the fact that my senior class started a lot of the "traditions" that are still going on today.
5. At this time in my life, the idea of having a mortgage payment scares me to death. Probably why i'm such a big fan of renting right now.
6. When I surrendered to the ministry in high school, I "bargained" with the Lord that I would greatly serve Him in ministry as long as He never called me to work on staff at a church.... the first job I had out of college (first big girl job) was working as the youth pastor at a church. Don't bargain with the Lord. :)
7. I'm not a girly girl, but I do hope the man the Lord has for me is a MAN and not a little boy. catch my drift?
8. I take things to heart a lot when I shouldn't.
9. I bottle up emotions whether they are anger, happiness, sadness, etc.
10. I love vintage prints and colors.
11. I have a big pet peeve when people call me "baby, sweetheart or honey". It's alright if you're my family or if we're in a relationship, but if you don't fit into that category then call me by my name. There are only a handful of people who I brush it off when they refer to me by one of those names and those individuals aren't family.
12. I love to travel.
13. I hate to unpack my suitcase.
14. I doodle when I study or take notes on subjects. You should have seen my notebooks in college and high school.
15. I want to adopt one day.
16. I want to have a house full of children. However, I don't want to have a big house.
17. In the last year, I have learned a lot about myself and who I am in the Lord.
18. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
19. That last statement/thought sometimes makes me feel inadequate and like I've failed.
20. I love black and white photography.
21. I like to make things.
22. I like to cook for people. Not for myself, but for others to enjoy.
23. I love Christmas year round!!
24. I can't be in a room when onions are cut up or cooked in a pan. I have a reaction. However, I can eat them.
25. I am a people watcher. With that being said, I am a very good reader of people. I believe that one of my spiritual gifts is discernment.
that's all. :)
on #1 - I know where Skeeter came from! And don't you know the full nickname is Skeeter Boots!
on #4 - I liked high school a lot too - but college was better!
on #7 - I know what you mean!
on #11 - I am the same way!
on #15 - me too!
on #22 - you can cook for me anytime! maybe that relates to #18, do you want to be a cook when you grow up?
no i don't want to be a cook when i grow up. too much pressure! :)
nicknames are just funny.
Ok... so I totally enjoyed reading this! I smiled at them all! And yes, Skeeter is short for Skeeter Boots and it came from when the 3 of us were having girl talk on the blanket outside and there were lots of skeeters bitin'... that's what I remember :)
This made me really miss you Skeeter!! Love you!
I am an old woman and I still do not know what I want to be when I grow up!
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