Monday, August 16, 2010

Friends, coffee and pottery

I love random outings. They make life so much fun.

Saturday was one of those outings. Met my best friend and her sister to celebrate her sister's birthday. First met at Serda's coffee (YUM!!!) then surprised Hannah by going to paint some pottery at "Paint that Pottery" in Mobile.
We are waiting for our creations to be finished, but I have pictures to show you. I'll put up the final projects when I pick them up in about a week.

The beginning stages of my cup. Before it was painted. I'm loving more and more drinking out of these types of cups rather than regular glasses.

Hannah and Jana working hard on their projects.

The last of my cup. Once it gets fired and glazed the colors will be much brighter. I'll be sure to put the final products pictures on here when I get them. I'm excited about my design. I wasn't sure about it as I drew it, but I think it turned out well. The inside of the cup is teal, but i didn't get a picture of it.

More to come later!!!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

3 Blind Mice

This is going to be a short post...
I'll have a more meaningful post tomorrow...
it's been a long day though.

My day started when I left the house at 6:15 this morning because I had to be at work early to work a special event. The Lord provided a beautiful sunrise for me to drive to work to.

I get back to my office after the event and had some unwanted guests I had to ask a man I work with to help me escort them out. Let's just say those mice on Cinderella gave me a false impression...the guests I had today do not sing, dance and wear cute little t-shirts and hats like hers do. I was very disappointed.

After that, chaos pretty much broke loose. Won't go into details... just a hard day.

Came home, tried to go walking.... interrupted by lighting and rain.

I'm hoping tomorrow is much better and smoother. Here's hoping!!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010


Ok, many of you know I sing. I was standing in our congregation yesterday and had these crazy flashbacks of growing up that I felt I wanted to share.

My Dad's side of the family is all gifted in some sort of music or just enjoys sitting around singing. I have memories of gathering for holidays and my aunt playing the piano and all the his sisters and brother and the adults singing hymns or old gospel songs. Most of the songs I learned didn't come from the Baptist hymnbook or worship hymnal. They are songs that are just gospel songs... nothing special about them, except that they worship Jesus. I have vivid memories of going to a barn on a friday evening as a child with my dad, aunt and grandmother and singing songs out of a book while they had a full band on this "stage" complete with hay barrels and animals in the back. There would be a piano, banjo, drums, cymbal, different horns, guitar... you name it, it was probably there at one time or another. I grew up believing that singing was worshipping Jesus, not if you hit the note or not. I still don't quite understand the whole "singing a special in church" deal.

To this day my dad still sings around the house no matter what he's doing. I do believe his most famous is singing like Louis Armstrong as he cleans the kitchen. Ask my mom or brother, they can testify to this. Well my dad doesn't sing "specials" in church but believe me when I tell you that he can be heard across the church. We have little old ladies who will fight to sit in front of him just so they can hear him sing during the service.

Well I was sitting by him yesterday and of course I can hear him loud and clear. As I was singing I suddenly realized how easily i fall into harmony sitting next to him. It made me think how I fit in my family...though many times I wonder if my parents really listen I know that I am in that family for God's glory. Then it made me think about how I fit in God's family. I have a place and a purpose in His family, in His body for His glory.

Even when we aren't sure why or for what God may have us somewhere, we fit into a specific slot that was carved out just for us so that He may receive glory. Fit into the piece in which He leads you to...