Wednesday, August 11, 2010

3 Blind Mice

This is going to be a short post...
I'll have a more meaningful post tomorrow...
it's been a long day though.

My day started when I left the house at 6:15 this morning because I had to be at work early to work a special event. The Lord provided a beautiful sunrise for me to drive to work to.

I get back to my office after the event and had some unwanted guests I had to ask a man I work with to help me escort them out. Let's just say those mice on Cinderella gave me a false impression...the guests I had today do not sing, dance and wear cute little t-shirts and hats like hers do. I was very disappointed.

After that, chaos pretty much broke loose. Won't go into details... just a hard day.

Came home, tried to go walking.... interrupted by lighting and rain.

I'm hoping tomorrow is much better and smoother. Here's hoping!!!!

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